Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Funny how life's events make you think and when faced with the possibility of losing yourself, you remember things that are important to you. I recently remembered my love of creating things. This is an example of one of those creations :-)

 I started with some projects at Christmas to warm up. Sharpie designed plates for my friends with cookies on them. Then I did some glass ornaments with acrylic paint, thank goodness for Pinterest right?? It's a time sucker but still great for inspiration!

Later I tackled this painting for my younger sister. This was my first painting in about 8 years. I still have Van Gogh tendencies despite my best efforts to be more Rembrant. I should just embrace my Expressionist side!

 Then I did some freehand scroll work, sorry about the tilt, I apparently am having some editing issues!! Finally it was time to tackle the real project. I was working on these cookies for the sweetheart dance when I just couldn't take the color anymore. It was TIME!!

We inherited this table when Eric's parent's moved. I've always loved the shape, weight and the good construction of it but not the color. I've said for years, I'm going to refinish that table. Hasn't happened, til last week. I said, it's time to stop putting it off and I did it. It took a whole week of nap times but I got there!

First I stripped the table with some stripper. While smelling all those fumes I thought up some pretty funny Facebook Update Statuses about Stripping and working on a table, thankfully my common sense prevailed and I didn't post anything. 

 Then I needed to choose the new color. We have all black frames in the dining room and I wanted dark wood. Boy did that shock Eric when I sent these pictures his way. I actually decided on Espresso in Satin (not pictured here). Little bit of brown but deep deep deep.

I had to test it  out when I got home, I am terrible at waiting. I actually ended up stripping this part off too.Should have waited. But I got to distress it so that was worth stripping it again. I beat it with hammers, claw and round end, a clamp, two different screw drivers and a small chain, (more dumb status updates avoided)

 Forgot to shake the can really well so this first coat was really light. Thank goodness it worked better later!
The stripper didn't work on the legs of the table at all (insert more awful status updates here) so I had to sand them all down by hand.

Legs Before
Legs after
Check out those Fantastic boots!!! I was really worried I would get stain on my feet so  I put on fully washable shoes. Valid worry too because my hands were covered in it and I had to soak them in nail polish remover to get it off! Yuck!!

I love the distressing and how it shows up in this picture

In the end I was really happy with it, distressing and all. I still might put a resin coat on top to make writing at the table more easy but we shall see.
Loving the Laundry in the back....
I love my table now, but the only problem is the book case no longer matches. I think there's another project in the works!!

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